Distance: Chennai to Yelagiri Hills distance is 228 km.
Train Station: YelagiriHills does not have a train station, and the nearest station is Jolarpat.
from the Jolarpat bus stop, you will have the bus to Yelagirihills.
from the Jolarpat bus stop, you will have the bus to Yelagirihills.
By Bus:
1.Chennai to Jolarpat.
2.Jolarpat to YelagiriHills.
3.Chennai to Thirupathur.
4. Thirupathur to YelagiriHills (Bus Timing).
1.Chennai to Jolarpat.
2.Jolarpat to YelagiriHills.
3.Chennai to Thirupathur.
4. Thirupathur to YelagiriHills (Bus Timing).